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4 tips to follow for a successful influencer campaign as  a digital marketing agency
Influencer Marketing

4 tips to follow for a successful influencer campaign as  a digital marketing agency

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Being a Client Manager, Creative and Influence Director, Head of Social Media or even Project Manager within a digital marketing, advertising or communication agency is not an easy job. The success responsibility of a project lies with you: you are the voice and face of the customer. Thus, this agency-client relationship must be transparent, clear and above all based on trust. 

No one wants to hear “This is not what I expected“; “We did not achieve the objectives set“; “I imagined other content” … This is why we want to help you ask the right questions to your customers in order to obtain the best results for your influencer marketing campaigns.

Tip # 1: Identify Clear Goals for Clients 

On the agency side, the first thing you need to know clearly is what is the client’s main goal for each influencer marketing campaign in order to build a perfect influencer brief and know the right way to go.

There are many types of specific goals, all of which need to be SMART:

  • These need to be Specific and Measurable – you need to be able to check them.
  • Of course, the objective set must be realistic and achievable (Achievable). It must also be Relevant, which means it must be aligned with the brand’s overall strategy. 
  • And finally, the objective, limited in time, must be temporary (Timely).

One of the brand’s key objectives would therefore be to generate notoriety by amplifying its digital presence on social networks. 

To achieve this objective, it is necessary to generate different types of campaigns, to meet specific objectives. For example, running a committed influencer campaign to raise awareness among subscribers to a cause or generate quality UGCs on Instagram.

This is the case of the french e-commerce site Photoweb, specializing in personalized photo products, which carries out campaigns with influencers allowing it to collect creative and inspiring UGCs. Recently in France, they launched a personalized mug and tray campaign that has performed well on Instagram and was appreciated by users.

Voir cette publication sur Instagram

Une publication partagée par Photoweb (@photowebfr)

In addition, Aline Buisson, Head of Social Media of the advertising agency BIG SUCCESS France, explains in our ebook on the evolution of marketing needs in 2021 the importance of supporting brands.

Aline Buisson_Hivency blog

“This year, brands need more advice, because many of them are internationalizing more”.

Hence the interest in determining a main objective as the guideline of a marketing campaign.

Tip # 2: Determine the target audiences of your customers on social networks

The second step is to think about the following:  What is the target? It is important to define very precisely the target audiences, which can be varied.

For example, Laboratories Gilbert with which we collaborate with, is an expert group in the baby sector with a well-defined audience : parents and future parents.

The brand responds to a major challenge, which is to attract a distinct target, and improve its offer to meet the needs of an ever-changing audience.

Thus, knowing the different customer personas is crucial to achieve the goal. To do this, it is possible to create a near-real representation of the profile of key consumers (both end-and potential) from their behavior, demographic information, needs, etc.

In addition, it is essential to know their vital motivations in order to better understand what they expect from you. In addition, as part of an influencer marketing strategy, it is important to know clearly on which social networks this target is on and what type of profiles they follow.

It is also essential to adopt a different tone when addressing each target audience: this is the reason why campaigns must be tailored to the target needs. The more you target your consumers, the more you will be able to segment each of the campaigns carried out through which it is possible to access different niche markets. 

Tip # 3: Find Influencers Who Best Match Your Customers

Everyone has the ability to influence people on social media. Some platforms help in this direction, as is the case of Instagram which has 21 million users per month in France. Content creators forge strong ties with their community and guide them in their choices : at least once a day, an estimated 61% of consumers interact with an influencer.

More and more of these personalities with a strong power perspective are emerging on various web platforms. The Creative and Influencer Director of the French agency Vianova, specialized in press relations, indicates in our content on the evolution of the marketing market mentioned above that it is essential for an influencer to offer differentiating content: 

Enrique Lemercier_Hivency blog

“There is a real trend towards creativity that emerges, for some time now. The influencers content must evolve and content creators must renew themselves in order to offer new, impactful and engaging content. […] “indicates Enrique Lemercier.

Thus, defining the type of influencer profiles sought is fundamental, because only certain profiles that match will allow you to achieve the desired objectives. When it comes to selecting the profiles with brands running campaigns, brands and agencies often find themselves at a crossroads. This raises the question of which element to prioritize!

Global reach or trust, which factor to favor?

It is first necessary to understand why these two words are often perceived as being opposed. First of all, reach is the number of people reached when posting a piece of content. Trust, on the other hand, comes from consistency, storytelling, testimonials and recommendations that consumers make about a product.

Sometimes these terms seem opposite because it is often considered that influencers with high reach with a large community of followers generate a smaller impact. Thus, the public loses sight of the brand’s identity, its storytelling and the origin of non-intrusive communication, key factors highlighted during campaigns with nano- or micro-influencers. However, is it possible to combine the two?

Of course it is possible! Consumers, nano-influencers, and micro-influencers help generate credibility and trust in a brand’s products. Small content creators are the best allies when it comes, on the one hand, to generate value for your brand since its audience have common interests; and, on the other hand, to generate relevant content for the brand, always from user-generated content, thanks to its natural and non-intrusive way of communicating. In this way, it is possible to achieve a big impact and build a long-term collaboration linking our brand to these influencers. 

Additionally, you can combine your micro-influence strategy with macro profiles or celebrities at specific times to amplify reach.

By asking yourself these three questions, you will benefit from clear goals and needs for your client. All you have to do is give the influencer a defined brief in order to generate the best content and create a connection with the target audience.

Tip # 4: Pay attention to every campaign detail

Also make sure you know who is in charge of the influencer marketing strategy and the tools a brand can rely on to drive (and measure) results from an influencer marketing campaign. At Hivency, we support you and offer you all the tools to make your influencer marketing strategy a success. Time saving and ease of use thanks to an all-in-one tool.

Article inspired by the Spanish version

Photo credits: Austin Distel via Unsplash

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