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The voice is Data

The voice is Data

82% of French people are not aware that their voice is considered personal data protected by
the RGPD.

Upon approaching the RGPD 1 year anniversary, Mediartis, 1st platform conformed to RGPD
for the management of “voice-data” ………….

What are the daily uses of this data, do they consider it as personal data protected by the European regulation, in the same way as their mail, address or telephone number? According to them, what risks are they exposing themselves with this type of use?

Vocal use is becoming more in more present in French day to day life

It is true, new technologies are invading our life and have shaken up our habits.
Today, even if the French still remain faithful to traditional voice usage – 86% of French call
people in their friend circle, and 41% of them have already exchanged with call centers. Digital
usage has become possible thanks to new innovations such as voice recognition or AI, have
both made their mark.

They are numerous in practicing at least one of the follwoing uses: 30% use defined vocal texts
(dictated SMS, emails,etc.) 24% record vocal messages via social networks like Messanger,
Whatsapp, etc.17% exchange with vocal assistants like Siri, ALexa, or Google Home or even to
a lesser extent 8% control conntected objects with their voice.

The scope of RGPD is largely unheraled

The French accuse a certain lack of knowledge of the RGPD field.

Interestigly those who were consulted about what they do with their voice, 54% of them feel that
what they say is only protected by the European Regulation. (that is to say, the information
which is spoken aloud, email name, telephone number) forgetting that their voice in itself is also
susceptible to protection( only 17% of them attest to this fact).
Even more distressing, 28% of respondents have no idea of the level of protection made
available by this Regulation since they responded “None of the two” to the posed question. They
esteem that neither their voice nor communicated information is protected by the RGPD.
In total 80% of French ignore totally that their voice is personal data.
Underestimated Risks
If the voice is protected it is evident that because it is only the proper voice which can recognize
a person.

Knowing the voice of a person impedes them from staying anonymous which the person might
have had, this highly exposes them to a risk of misused identity.
Asked about the risks that may result from vocal usage, only 39% are aware their voice can be
reproduced and is therefore subject to a risk of misused identity.
This danger has increasingly intensified these last years with the advent of new technologies,
for example, last May 18, researchers from the AI start-up Dessa announced that through
collected data they were able to create a well-modulated replica of Joe Rogan’s voice, a well
known American podcaster.

However French are more sharply aware of the risks involved through content (transmitted
information) of their daily vocal use, 62% of respondents esteem it can be stocked and 53%
think it can be analyzed for commercial purposes.


Article taken from Comarketing